104 research outputs found

    Information Systems Offshoring—A Literature Review and Analysis

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    IS offshoring has become one of the most discussed phenomena in IS research and practice. Particularly due to its rapid evolvement, current research on IS offshoring lacks a consolidated view on existing results. The article at hand seeks to meet this need by systematically reviewing and analyzing prior academic literature on IS offshoring. Based on a review of top-ranked IS and management journals as well as IS conference proceedings, we compile an exhaustive bibliography of ninety-six publications solely focusing on IS offshoring from a (project) management perspective. To adequately address the immense diversity of these publications, a multi-perspective research framework consisting of three perspectives, namely, research focus, research approach, and reference theory, is introduced and forms the basis for our literature analysis. The analysis results confirm the appropriateness of our framework and reveal directions for future research along the framework perspectives: Most importantly, in an effort to increase the significance and the trustworthiness of their results, researchers should apply a more theory-driven approach and provide a better description of their research context. Moreover, future research needs to pay particular attention to the pre-implementation stages of an IS offshoring initiative as well as the special nature of nearshoring and captive offshoring. Across all project stages, researchers should not only concentrate on the client point of view but incorporate multiple points of view

    Evaluación del efecto de tres tipos de poda sobre el crecimiento vegetativo y la producción frutal en tres variedades comerciales y cuatro genotipos productivos de maqui (Aristotelia chilensis (Mol.) Stuntz

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    39 p.El maqui, Aristotelia chilensis, es una especie cuyo fruto se ha ganado importancia económica por su alto contenido de antioxidante. En la actualidad, este fruto se está domesticando, por lo que se realizan distintos ensayos sobre manejos agronómicos, siendo la poda uno de los manejos más importantes en la producción vegetal y frutal. Con el propósito de determinar el efecto de diferentes tipos de poda sobre el crecimiento vegetativo y la producción frutal en genotipos seleccionados de maqui, se establecieron tres ensayos con el fin de evaluar el crecimiento vegetativo y la producción frutal: 1. Evaluación poda de formación en siete genotipos seleccionados de maqui; 2. Evaluación poda de rebaje en siete genotipos seleccionados de maqui; 3. Evaluación poda de rejuvenecimiento en la variedad Luna Nueva. En el primer ensayo se encontró que la altura de planta y el porcentaje de plantas con frutos eran genotipo dependiente. En el ensayo dos hubo diferencias entre los tratamientos sobre el diámetro de fruto, es decir, plantas rebajadas un cuarto tuvieron un diámetro mayor que plantas no podadas (6 y 5 mm respectivamente), y Luna Nueva aumentó su rendimiento cuando fueron rebajadas a un cuarto. En el ensayo tres se encontró que independiente de la altura de corte, Luna Nueva produce abundantes yemas, lo cual es indicio de impulso de vitalidad. Palabras claves: Maqui, poda, crecimiento vegetativo, producción frutal, brotes, yema

    The vertical variability of black carbon observed in the atmospheric boundary layer during DACCIWA

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    This study underlines the important role of the transported black carbon (BC) mass concentration in the West African monsoon (WAM) area. BC was measured with a micro-aethalometer integrated in the payload bay of the unmanned research aircraft ALADINA (Application of Light-weight Aircraft for Detecting IN situ Aerosol). As part of the DACCIWA (Dynamics–Aerosol–Chemistry–Cloud Interactions in West Africa) project, 53 measurement flights were carried out at Savè, Benin, on 2–16 July 2016. A high variability of BC (1.79 to 2.42±0.31 µg m−3) was calculated along 155 vertical profiles that were performed below cloud base in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). In contrast to initial expectations of primary emissions, the vertical distribution of BC was mainly influenced by the stratification of the ABL during the WAM season. The article focuses on an event (14 and 15 July 2016) which showed distinct layers of BC in the lowermost 900 m above ground level (a.g.l.). Low concentrations of NOx and CO were sampled at the Savè supersite near the aircraft measurements and suggested a marginal impact of local sources during the case study. The lack of primary BC emissions was verified by a comparison of the measured BC with the model COSMO-ART (Consortium for Small-scale Modelling–Aerosols and Reactive Trace gases) that was applied for the field campaign period. The modelled vertical profiles of BC led to the assumption that the measured BC was already altered, as the size was mainly dominated by the accumulation mode. Further, calculated vertical transects of wind speed and BC presume that the observed BC layer was transported from the south with maritime inflow but was mixed vertically after the onset of a nocturnal low-level jet at the measurement site. This report contributes to the scope of DACCIWA by linking airborne BC data with ground observations and a model, and it illustrates the importance of a more profound understanding of the interaction between BC and the ABL in the WAM region

    A novel antisense RNA regulates at transcriptional level the virulence gene icsA of Shigella flexneri

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    The virulence gene icsA of Shigella flexneri encodes an invasion protein crucial for host colonization by pathogenic bacteria. Within the intergenic region virA-icsA, we have discovered a new gene that encodes a non-translated antisense RNA (named RnaG), transcribed in cis on the complementary strand of icsA. In vitro transcription assays show that RnaG promotes premature termination of transcription of icsA mRNA. Transcriptional inhibition is also observed in vivo by monitoring the expression profile in Shigella by real-time polymerase chain reaction and when RnaG is provided in trans. Chemical and enzymatic probing of the leader region of icsA mRNA either free or bound to RnaG indicate that upon hetero-duplex formation an intrinsic terminator, leading to transcription block, is generated on the nascent icsA mRNA. Mutations in the hairpin structure of the proposed terminator impair the RnaG mediated-regulation of icsA transcription. This study represents the first evidence of transcriptional attenuation mechanism caused by a small RNA in Gram-negative bacteria. We also present data on the secondary structure of the antisense region of RnaG. In addition, alternatively silencing icsA and RnaG promoters, we find that transcription from the strong RnaG promoter reduces the activity of the weak convergent icsA promoter through the transcriptional interference regulation

    Improved calibration procedures for the EM27/SUN spectrometers of the COllaborative Carbon Column Observing Network (COCCON)

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    In this study, an extension on the previously reported status of the COllaborative Carbon Column Observing Network\u27s (COCCON) calibration procedures incorporating refined methods is presented. COCCON is a global network of portable Bruker EM27/SUN FTIR spectrometers for deriving column-averaged atmospheric abundances of greenhouse gases. The original laboratory open-path lamp measurements for deriving the instrumental line shape (ILS) of the spectrometer from water vapour lines have been refined and extended to the secondary detector channel incorporated in the EM27/SUN spectrometer for detection of carbon monoxide (CO). The refinements encompass improved spectroscopic line lists for the relevant water lines and a revision of the laboratory pressure measurements used for the analysis of the spectra. The new results are found to be in good agreement with those reported by Frey et al. (2019) and discussed in detail. In addition, a new calibration cell for ILS measurements was designed, constructed and put into service. Spectrometers calibrated since January 2020 were tested using both methods for ILS characterization, open-path (OP) and cell measurements. We demonstrate that both methods can detect the small variations in ILS characteristics between different spectrometers, but the results of the cell method indicate a systematic bias of the OP method. Finally, a revision and extension of the COCCON network instrument-to-instrument calibration factors for XCO2, XCO and XCH4 is presented, incorporating 47 new spectrometers (of 83 in total by now). This calibration is based on the reference EM27/SUN spectrometer operated by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and spectra collected by the collocated TCCON station Karlsruhe. Variations in the instrumental characteristics of the reference EM27/SUN from 2014 to 2017 were detected, probably arising from realignment and the dual-channel upgrade performed in early 2018. These variations are considered in the evaluation of the instrument-specific calibration factors in order to keep all tabulated calibration results consistent

    Key lessons from the DACCIWA project for operational meteorological services

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    This document describes the conclusions of the EU-funded project Dynamics- Aerosol-Chemistry-Cloud Interactions in West Africa (DACCIWA) directly relevant to operational meteorological services. DACCIWA produced the most comprehensive observational dataset of the atmosphere over densely populated southern West Africa to date and used this dataset to foster our understanding of atmospheric processes, and to evaluate dynamical models and satellite data. With this document DACCIWA aims to help improve atmospheric predictions across time-scales, which are important for the development of greater resilience of the West African population to hazardous weather and climate change